When not using their legendary gift of gab to crack wise or tell a joke, the Irish also have no equal for bestowing words of comfort or encouragement.
Here are excellent examples of blessings that mirror the extraordinary tenderness and generosity of the Irish:
May the wind be at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rain fall soft upon your fields,
And, until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
May you be poor in misfortunes,
and rich in blessings,
May you know nothing but happiness,
from this day forward,
May good luck be your friend,
In whatever you do,
And may trouble be always,
A stranger to you.
May you always have work for your hands to do,
May your pockets hold always a coin or two,
May the sun shine bright on your windowpane,
May the rainbow be certain to follow each rain,
May the hand of a friend always be near you,
And may God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you.
If you haven't kissed the Blarney Stone and don't have the gift of gab yourself, here are a few collections of quotes, prayers, blessings and curses to add color to your toasts on St. Patrick's Day...
May your
blessings outnumber the shamrocks that grow,
And may trouble avoid you wherever you go...
And may trouble avoid you wherever you go...
Source: Chiff.com
Shared by "O'Colo" of Concord, NC, my good Irish friend since 1st grade. Colo's Mom, "Bobbi" used to sing "Christmas in Killarney" at the top of her lungs, and enjoyed by all!
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